POIETO is shaping the future of AI

Making AI more accessible, understandable, and responsible

Beta Launch

POIETO's data crowdsourcing platform enables visitors to collect and contribute data for creative and responsible machine learning projects.

Email data@poieto.com to sign up for the Beta!

Latest News

OCCC and POIETO hosted more than 300 faculty and staff at the inaugural Responsible AI in Education Symposium on Feb. 23 in Oklahoma City.

Read more in the following Yahoo Finance article.

About Us

Poieto is a diverse team of technologists, researchers, educators, and designers committed to ethical machine learning. Our mission is to simplify responsible AI development.

Our Products

Our AI ecosystem, inspired by GitHub, promotes responsible machine learning through interactive learning tools, ethical collaboration, and crowdsourced advancements, ensuring beneficial monetization and better product development.

Consulting Services

Our team empowers companies to build trust with consumers and users through customized AI solutions. We offer tailored workshop series and co-developing software solutions to scale innovations in line with each client's unique needs.

Ready to transform your AI strategy?